Your path to success might look a little different than you might have imagined.

Your path to success might be a little different than you imagined. Maybe you imagined starting your business and working with dream clients in a certain industry, offering a certain set of services or selling a certain type of product and creating a personal brand that was flawless. Maybe in reality you started marketing your business and you ended up working with a client in a different industry, you tried offering a new service and ended up enjoying it and maybe your branding and marking is a bit messier than you anticipated, but it is working for you.
At the end of the day, all that matters is that you are happy doing something you love. If your path changed course a few times, that’s okay.
It’s okay to change directions, it’s okay to branch out and try something new, it’s even okay to fail a few times while trying and testing out these new things.
My path in my business has looked SO different than what I imagined because ultimately, I could not have imagined doing what I am doing now because when I started I simply didn’t even know that the services I currently offer and the course I currently sell would even work. It was through trial and error and a lot of learning and growing that I landed where I am today. When I first started, I thought that I would offer social media management to wedding professionals, since that was what my background was in. I quickly started taking on a few clients and quickly realized that I actually did not enjoy doing social media management, and that I was actually a bit burnt out of being in the wedding industry and wanted to try something new. I thought maybe coaching would be better, but ultimately decided that launching a course teaching other entrepreneurs how to market their business on social media was what I loved doing and was passionate about. I would never have known that if I had tried to stick to my initial vision for how I was going to be successful in my business.
The point that I want to make is that sometimes we get an initial idea, and we think this is going to be the million dollar idea before we even try executing it and what often happens is that once you try executing your idea and you don’t love it, or it doesn’t work…you end up saying to yourself, this was a dumb idea, it was probably never going to work…but maybe it just needs to be adjusted a bit.
The other point that I want to make is that it is important to remember your ultimate end goal, or your WHY. So you have the how and the why. The WHY is your big goal, so for example for me my big WHY for wanting to start an online business was so that I could leave my 9 to 5 job, travel more, have more time with friends and family and ultimately just have freedom to work whenever and wherever I wanted. That was my ultimate desired result. The HOW was what services I was going to offer, how I was going to market my business, what courses I was going to sell…those are the things that I am telling you it is okay to let go of if your initial ideas don’t work out the first time, or if a new opportunity presents itself.
A good test to see if something is going to be a good fit for you or not is to ask yourself, is this HOW aka this opportunity going to move me closer to my bigger WHY? If so, go for it, give it a try, why not. If it isn’t, maybe go back and remember your why and see if this opportunity is more important than that bigger reason or if there is another way you can find that can support you better.
So that was just some food for thought for today, if you enjoyed this episode make sure to subscribe and leave a review. It means the word to me and also be sure to come connect with me on Instagram over at Kara_Cahill and I will talk to you next week.
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