One of the most important online business topics and skills to have is learning how to get your Instagram followers to buy from you.
How to Get Your Instagram Followers to Buy From You
Serve Your Audience
I want to first reframe the way you might be thinking about Instagram. If you are an online business owner, you most likely have a product that you are selling. Maybe you offer a service and you are looking to sign more clients. If you are marketing your business on Instagram, you might need to make a shift. Remember that your Instagram account is not for you, it is for your followers!
When you are using Instagram for your business you need to be thinking about it as a sales tool. If you have a personal account, you can share photos of your dog or fun weekend ventures. If you are just starting out on Instagram, you first want to make the shift from creating what I call “me-centered content” to content focused on your business. This will further your goal of trying to make more sales or sign more clients. Unless you have a big, well-known personal brand, posting personal content can only get you so far. In order for you to give potential clients a reason to care about your business, you first have to show that you care about them!
Create with Your Ideal Customers in Mind
You want your content be valuable to your ideal clients, from your Instagram bio to your po sts and stories. People online, and specifically your ideal clients, want to know what is in it for them. Will they be getting amazing value from your posts or will you only share content that adds to the noise on their IG feed? Begin to create your Instagram with your ideal customers in mind so that they feel supported. If you are there to add value for them, they are definitely going to pay attention! When they expect value from you, they will come with their eyes and ears open when you show up on IG stories. Taking a pause on mindless scrolling, they will stop and read your IG posts. They know they content is for THEM and that has consistently provided value!
This is a game-changer when it comes to building trust online, and it is a game-changer when it comes to creating sales. Make that switch from having your profile be all about you, and turn your profile into a tool that builds loyalty with your audience by making it all about them!
After you make that switch, you then want to begin creating content that is going to lead to sales. And you might be thinking “If I create content that is focused on sales, doesn’t that mean that my content is about me instead of my ideal clients?” My answer is no.
I love the mantra that selling is serving. If you truly believe in your product/service and that your offer can change someone’s life or give them a solution to a problem that they have been experiencing for so long…then you are serving them!
Market Your Solution
You want to make sure that you are talking about your offers on your Instagram account for multiple reasons.
People need to hear about your offer because it is a solution to the problem that they are having. If someone decided to follow you, they likely were searching for guidance and stumbled across your account. If you are only providing free content without faster or better results, you are doing them a disservice.
Even if you mention your offer once, only a very small portion of your audience actually sees that content. You want to make sure that you are talking about your offers often and consistently, because more people need to hear about how you can help them! Mention it frequently and mention it in different places. Talk about it in your posts, stories, reels and highlights. People typically need to see something multiple times before taking action, so having this type of repetition gets your audience prepped and thinking about your offers!
Serving your audience, creating with your ideal client in mind and marketing your solution are extremely important tips to think about as you convert Instagram followers into buyers. Don’t be afraid to talk about your offers and talk about the results. There are people in your audience that NEED you and what you are offering in order to transform their life!
Come connect with me on Instagram: @kara_cahill
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