A beginners guide to starting an email list

Have you been asked one to many times “how big is your email list?”

Have you been wanting to start an email list for the longest time, but you keep getting stuck with the “tech” and all the confusing lingo like “lead magnet”, “automated workflow” and “landing pages”.

I get it!

Those are the things that kept me from starting my email list for the longest time. I kept trying to start one, but would run into a roadblock that would keep me stuck.

I finally put my CEO hat on and decided to learn how to start one once and for all, and boy am I glad I did! My only regret is staying stuck for so long and not starting one sooner.

In this post, I am sharing the beginners guide for how to set up your email list and get your first 100 subscribers!

1. Choose your email marketing software

There are TONS of email marketing platforms out there – but don’t let that hold you back. It is all about choosing one and deciding to go all in and giving it time to get comfortable using it. There are platforms such as Flodesk, ConvertKit, Active Campaign and Mail Chimp.

If you want free, start with Mail Chimp. If you are on a budget, this is a great place to get started however, it is not the most user friendly.

I tried out a few different platforms and have found Flodesk to be the easiest, most user friendly and also has the most beautiful branded email templates on the market. (Here is my affiliate link to get 50% off your subscription)

2. Create your free opt-in

The next step is to create your free opt-in which is what you are going to give someone in exchange for their email address.

Your opt-in (often called a freebie or lead magnet) is something that is going to give your new subscriber a quick win, answer one of their questions or give them a taste of what you offer.

This can be a digital download guide, checklist, template, training, etc.

Think of your freebie like the samples at Trader Joes. They give you a free taste of one of their food items, and once you see how delicious it is you end up wanting more. The same goes with the freebie, so make sure it is super “delicious” and full of value!

3. Set up your landing page

This is the page where someone is going to opt-in for your offer and actually give you their email address.

This page usually has the name of the freebie, a little bit about what they can expect to learn or receive and a place for them to input their email into your opt-in form.

You can create a landing page on your website or some email service providers like Flodesk have the option to create a landing page without needing a website (super simple)!

4. Set up your welcome email sequence

When someone opts-in and downloads your freebie, you want to make sure that you are sending an initial sequence of emails that lets them immediately get to know you, your business, adds value and lets them know how they can work with you.

This is a series of emails that you will set up to go out automatically in your email service provider.

Having an initial email sequence helps your new subscriber build a connection with you so that when you pop back into their inbox you don’t feel like a stranger, and they instantly unsubscribe…not good!

5. Promote….everywhere!

Now that everything is set up, you are going to shout about your new freebie from the rooftops! Share on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube…everywhere!

Ready to start building your list? I’ve got you covered!

Enroll in my Email Marketing Mini-Course and get my step by step training walking you though each step of setting up your email list and getting your first 100 subscribers! No more guesswork and no more tech headaches!

Get all the trainings, tech-tutorials and done for you templates to get you started ASAP…all for just $37!

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