So you have probably heard all the buzz that consistency builds momentum for your business, and if you just keep showing up on social media the results will follow. While that is all well and good, not many people are talking about the fact that it can be HARD to plan your content and be consistent!
As business owners, we often have a million things on our to-do list and content planning often gets left for last. That is why I am excited to share my SUPER SIMPLE framework for how to plan out your content for Instagram!
Download The Content Curator Planner and let’s start planning your content with ease!
Before we create any content, we need to define our goals. There is no point in creating TONS of content if it is not moving the needle in our business. So our first step is to define why we are creating this content and what we hope it will do for our business.
For example, your goal might be gain 50 new followers, add 10 new subscribes to your email list, get 2 new clients, etc.
Defining what you want the end result to be will help guide you on the content creation process
Next, we are going to brainstorm ideas for our posts. The best way to do this is, instead of writing down general ideas, create the hook (the first line of your post) instead. Think of the topic you want to write about and then put a catchy spin on it. This will make it easier to plug into your caption when you go to schedule, since this is usually the hardest part of the caption to create.
Examples of hooks could be: 5 ways to explode your list growth, How I made 10k while I slept, etc.
Next step is to decide what your call to action will be. Every piece of content you create should end by you giving your reader an action to take. You want to encourage them to take even a small action (liking a post for example) so that they get used to taking action with your posts so it will be easy for them to take larger steps in the future (buying your offer).
Examples of calls to action: Click the link in my bio, comment below, tag a friend, etc.
Now that you have your goal, hook and call to action, you can begin writing the main points that you want to include in the body of your post. Just write out a few bullet points that you want to hit on when you go to actually write out your post. Check out this post to learn about the 3 types of content that grows your audience!
Usually 3-5 main points are best for Instagram, so that your readers can easily skim through and digest your content and make it to the call to action at the end of your post!
Now that you have your posts all mapped out, it is time to plug everything into a scheduling app such as Planoly and get everything ready for the week!
Write out your captions in your scheduling tool, set an image to go with it and set it to auto-post and you will never miss another day of posting again! The more consistent you are with your content marketing, the better your results will be!
Grab your free copy of The Content Curator Planner and get your own printable planning templates that will help you plan your content with ease!

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