Two content planning mistakes you might be making

If you are reading this post, you are probably someone who creates content as a way to market your business. I am a HUGE fan of content marketing, but I see so many people go wrong and end up wasting tons of time creating content that doesn’t get them any results. Here are the two content planning mistakes you might be making that are costing you tons of time!

Creating fluff posts

I see so many people creating content for the sake of creating content. Somewhere along the line they heard from a marketing guru that they should be posting everyday.

We all know that posting everyday takes up a lot of time, and if you are a busy entrepreneur who is hustling 24/7, juggling a day job and your side hustle…posting often gets put last on the to-do list. Then, when you finally find a moment to post you throw up a “coffee & laptop” photo and caption it #laptoplifestyle and call it a day.

The problem is, that post does not help move you closer to your business goals, and it just ate 15 minutes of your time for no reason.

So, instead of posting just to check of a to-do list item, decide on a posting schedule that works for you. If that is 5 times a week or even twice a week, decide what is realistic and stick to it. Spend your time pouring your heart into those posts, and create AMAZING content that is going to last longer in the algorithm and get you results by turning your followers into fans, subscribers and ultimately…buyers!

Grab a free copy of the Content Curator Planner and plan your content like a pro!

Content planning for every platform at once

We already know that as entrepreneurs, our time is our most valuable resource. So if we only have 1 hour a day to devote to social media content planning, if we spread that hour across 5 different platforms…we are not going to get very far.

Instead of trying to be on every platform, focus on 1-2 and get REALLY good at them. Figure out what content resonates with your audience, build authentic connections and focus on getting really mastering the platform. Once things are running smoothly, and growth is happening organically…slowly add in another platform.

Remember, consistency is key so if you are not able to commit to being consistent with a platform…it’s okay not to be on it. Unless you have a large content team, it can be overwhelming and unproductive to try and master every platform. Focus on one and build your loyal following there!

Create content that turns your followers into fans, leads and buyers!

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